Thursday, June 2, 2016

As Disciples We Go

As we continue our preparations to move to Appalachia, we can't help but look back on the last 6 months and give thanks. So many prayers have been answered and so many doors have been opened. We are so honored and humbled that God has chosen us to serve in this part of the country. He sees things that we can't see in ourselves, and expects us to be obedient when called. 
For the last several years, we have been praying for The Lord to bring us closer together as husband and wife. There wasn't a problem in our marriage, we just wanted to get closer to Him together. We have served in several local churches and ministries over the years in different capacities. We've learned so much about serving, teaching, sacrificing, and Christian fellowship. Over the years we have made friends, gained mentors, and joined an army of prayer warriors. 
We had also been praying for Him to reveal to us what exactly our "mission" was going to be. Was it to continue in the workforce and serve in our local church? Was Shannon to home-school the boys while Preston progressed on the river, teaching and preaching during his time off? All of this would have been fine, if that is what He wanted us to do. We would have accepted it with zeal.  But in our heart of hearts, we knew that He expected more out of us. Although we didn't realize it at the time, He was preparing us for His mission at hand. 
Preston got off his normal work rotation on Christmas Eve of last year. We visited a local church the following Sunday. Before we got out of the van, as a family we prayed. We asked God to reveal something to us during this service. It was the beginning of the year and we were giving 2016 to God. During that service, a visiting pastor prophesied over us. He told us now was the time to go. We had been patient, obedient and diligent, and God was releasing us to fulfill his commission. That pastor told us things that only us and Jesus knew. He told us we were going somewhere no one else wanted to go and that it wouldn't be easy. 
Preston has always been drawn to Appalachia. Before coming to Christ, he read books, studied maps and read stories of the people from that region. After being saved, he dreamed of hiking the Appalachian Trail, ministering along the way. God knew this. He was the one that planted that seed in Preston's heart. Now it was time to go. After some online research, Preston found  McDowell County. 
We got in touch with The Community Crossing in Welch, West Virginia, After several emails and phone calls, we were set to come and visit in February. Upon entering the county, it was visually apparent that the area was in distress. It was a culture shock. We had never experienced terrain like that, and the temperature was in the single digits. The poverty was very apparent. Shannon began to cry and Preston didn't know what to say.
Our hearts immediately began to break for the local people. These were blue-collar workers, just like us, that had fallen into a generational tailspin. With poverty comes the effects of poverty; drug abuse, government dependence, fatherlessness, unemployment, poor education etc. It hadn't always been like that. The area was once a booming coal mining community. But when the coal industry started going under, so did McDowell County. 
After returning home from our visit, it was apparent what God wanted us to do. We have to go back. This is what He had been preparing for us for the last several years. Yes, there are poor people in Mississippi, and it would be so easy to stay here and serve where we may be needed. God has specifically called us to McDowell County because he has prepared something in us that will fulfill His mission there. We know that what we are embarking on will not be easy, and it will be a difficult road. But we long to get back there. 
We believe that in order to stop the generational deterioration that is happening there, we need to immediately start with the youth and children. We work so hard to love, teach and be good examples for Braxton and Greyson. We are driven to show that love to all the children, not just our own. The Community Crossing has some amazing programs already in place which we will be becoming a part of. Shannon will be working with the Home School Association and Preston will be teaching middle and high school boys at Hope Christian Academy. We strive to not only give them a good, quality education, but to also build them up spiritually, physically and morally. One thing that really weighs on our hearts: to love and treat the children and youth of McDowell County just like we would our own. Braxton and Greyson will have the opportunity to grow up in an environment of love, service and family. They are very excited about moving; mainly because of snow, mountains, caves and our home there will have stairs in it. 
The Community Crossing is an independent, 501 (c)(3) non profit organization. The missionaries that serve there are fully supported by monthly donations from friends and family. By coming on as missionaries, Shannon and I will be able to provide a godly education to the young people of the community. Preston will also be doing jail and prison ministry, something he has always had a passion for. 
We would like to humbly ask you to consider partnering with us. We are walking into this debt free, so our monthly expenses will be at a minimum. Our target date to move to Welch is August 1st. We need $8750 in order to make this happen. It is important that move by August in order to get moved in and prepare for the school year.
We are excited and honored that God has chosen us for this. We are there for the long haul. When talking to some of the locals, we kept hearing "please come back". So many missionaries come and go, it's hard for the locals to build lasting relationships. Going into this, we know that we will be there until we see Jesus again. Either we go and see Him or He comes and sees us. Hopefully the latter. Please keep us in your prayers.

Be Blessed

Preston and Shannon Pace